Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back to Reality....

So, back to work tomorrow and back to reality. Why is it that we don't get recess at work? Or Nap time? Or spring break, christmas break and summers off? Seriously, I would be so much more productive! Nothing too exciting other than the holidays are over, New Years Eve was fun til I puked and I am SO READY for 2009! I did not make any resolutions this year as I have been in this weird mood about everything. I don't even have the energy to make school lunches let alone decide what I should do for a whole year. I need some time.... I'll get back to ya.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It just keeps getting better...

So I get a call from daycare yesterday at just about 5pm. I am about 20 minutes away but John is about 5 minutes from there. Miss Katie wanted to let me know Grace was playing in the gym and slipped and ran head first into the cement wall. Yikes. Ok. They tell me is is pretty upset and has ice on it now. I let John know so he won't be surprised in 3 minutes when he gets there.

I get home and she is crying as I open the door. John tells me that we are going to the emergency room because she can't see out of her eye! WHAT???????????????? So I calm her down barely and have her tell me how many fingers I am holding up while I am also closing the other eye. She says 2. Nope. Off we go.

She is more freaked out about going to the hospital then the fact she couldn't see out of her eye. By the time the dr. came in, which was about 15. minutes because we were at Zeeland, she could see out of her eye just fine. Oy. They gave her tylenol, she fell asleep on me which is apparently ok even with head injury, and came back and checked on her and their medical opinion was that she "Got Her Bell Rung".

No daycare and a parent should stay with her for at least 24 hours to make sure nothing changes.

And there is a winter weather advisory pretty much across the whole state.

And my Grandpa's visitation/funeral is a one day thing all starting at 1pm today.

Like the title of this post, it just keeps getting better. NOT!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ready for a new year..................

Seriously. My Grandpa Julius passed away yesterday. I haven't really seen him too much since say, high school. Probably 5 times in the last 16 years. No matter really. He was still my grandpa and now he is gone too. Ugh. Just another piece of my life gone. It makes me sad. It makes me think of losing my dad last year. It makes me think of losing my mom this year. It is going to be a rough holiday season.....

Monday, September 1, 2008

Shopping coach...

Ok, so I am no fashion plate by any means, but for some crazy reason, Kaleigh likes to shop with me. I am pretty honest with anything that gets picked out or tried on. We went shopping this weekend and she found a bunch of stuff which was good and I even found a few things which was even better. We started talking about how she has a wedding she is doing a reading for in October. We were in Macy's and I asked a salesperson where the dresses were. She asked if we were looking for Juniors and homecoming dresses and I told her no. She then said, "Oh dresses for you are over there" and pointed to the "real dresses". (Salesperson was about Kaleigh's age which will make sense as this story goes on.)

I start asking Kaleigh what she is looking for, or what she wants. She wants a dress (skirt and shirt are lame she says). I tell her she is probably at the age where she should consider getting herself the "little black dress". I go on to say how she could use it for many different occasions and could change it up by different shoes, jewelery, hairstyles, etc. depending on where she is going. I start looking through the TONS of black dresses and continue on with telling her that she is young and could totally wear any of the dresses we were flipping through. A few minutes go by and she looks at me, stops looking at the dresses and says, "People wear black to weddings?"

Oy. Either I like black too much or she is just so young she doesn't know the STAPLE wardrobe item for any woman is the LITTLE BLACK DRESS. I am pretty sure we will remain shopping buddies for quite some time. She is not ready to face the world alone...yet.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Somethings missing...

Her voice had a tough raspy sound to it. Always did. Once in a while she would even be mistaken for a man. When she would try to talk softly, or to children, there was always a distinct difference in her voice from anyone else I knew. As the years went on, it was obvious she was a smoker as she added the "smoker's cough" to the already raspy voice. There were times I would be mad because of the coughing or the smoking and even yell at her on the phone. I would say, "I'll call you back later when you stop smoking" or "Call me when you can talk, not cough."

What I wouldn't give to hear that damn cough and voice again.

I miss my mom so much my heart hurts. When my dad passed away I thought about him every night when I went to bed. I knew he was sick and suffering and it was still horrible to lose him and still sucks he is gone, but I didn't want him to be in pain or to suffer any longer. With my mom, it was so unexpected that I think I am still in shock.
I think about her every single day and what I wouldn't give to just hear her voice or to see her face. I got ripped off and I am still pissed about it.
I am an orphan at 33 and I hate every minute of it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Say what you mean.... A Public Service Announcement from the Bahamas...

I was scrolling through the never ending pictures I have saved on my computer and came across one that I felt needed sharing.

In this wonderful country we call home, a sign like this would be banned! People would be offended by the use of the words Protect and Ya and Tings, let alone the use of the word rubber in this context! I am no expert but I bet those little bahamian children running past this building know what their tings are and what it means to protect them! Maybe if we just put up signs like this around town, we can end disease and teenage pregnancy as we have come to know in this country!

Not really, but I really do like the sign. You so know that something like this would cause such uproar here, especially in West Michigan! OY!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

To change or not to change, that is the question....

So I actually type some cute little post and even put a picture on there and this is what I got....

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Seriously? I mean, Seriously? I never post and then I think to myself, "hey, it is time to get off your sorry butt and actually commit to this blogging thing" and then this happens.

I think this is a direct answer to Alison's blog on if people can change. Apparently they can try but it doesn't always work out. SO maybe if I am really on this change bandwagon, you will be lucky enough to see a new post by the end of the weekend! (hey, I am optimistic, not stupid! If you thought you would see one tomorrow, really now.....)